Our Story

Hello, everyone! I’m Amy, the CEO and founder of Ebb Tide Toys

I’ve been working on developing a line of plush nudibranchs since 2021, when I found my first Opalescent Nudibranch (Hermissenda crassicornis) in an Oregon Coast tidepool. I’ve been an avid tidepooler my entire life, but I rarely see nudibranchs. When I stumbled across this “opie” and it crawled into my open hand, I was enthralled. My seven-year-old son was obsessed with stuffed animals at the time, and so I naturally wondered, “Where can I buy him a plush nudibranch?” Well, it turns out that plush nudibranchs didn’t exist yet - so I decided to create the world’s very first line of stuffed sea slugs.

Two years later, I am proud to announce the launch of four plush nudibranchs, all made with the highest attention to quality and detail. As a lover of the ocean, a strong environmental policy is important to me. All purchases from Ebb Tide Toys support ocean conservation in two ways:

  1. Nudibranchs are filled with fiberfill stuffing made from recycled plastic water bottles

  2. A portion of proceeds from every Ebb Tide Toys purchase is donated to leading ocean conservation organizations

I dove into this project knowing a lot about tidepool creatures but next to nothing about nudibranchs. The more I learn, the more fascinated I’ve become. At Ebb Tide Toys, we are fully committed to creating kid-approved soft toys that help others learn about these amazing little invertebrates. Be sure to click here to learn more about nudibranchs. Maybe I’ll catch you among the tidepools sometime.

— Amy

PS - Some nudibranchs pack stinging cells into the spikes (aka cerata) on their backs, so unless you’re really sure of the species you’ve found, it’s probably best to not go around touching nudibranchs in the wild. If you do touch any sea creatures found inside tidepools, please do so gently. Never remove nudibranchs from their natural habitat. This nudibranch crawled along my hand for a moment and then went on its merry way, completely unharmed.